I want to offer you something to ponder as you unwrap your gifts and begin to reflect on the blessings and challenges of this year.
It's about simplicity. In our complex lives and minds, keeping things simple takes work.
Keeping things simple by staying true to who you are and what you want.
Accepting your imperfect, flawed and fully worthy Self.
And when that happens, allowing and accepting others as their imperfect, flawed, and also... fully worthy selves!
Not easy in a world that profits from complexity.
Consider these questions... then consider if you can, if you will
— stay true to yourself even when it inconveniences another.
Who do you want to be around in 2024 so you can breathe more easily?
What will you say 'no' to from now on so there is room for bigger YESs in your life?
What and who have you committed to that you feel half-hearted about?
What do you still need to grieve?
What pain, conversations, truth are you hiding? avoiding? bypassing?
What is it you deeply crave?
Little by little, unwrap the layers of self-protection (in the form of pleasing others) so you can experience the extraordinary depth of who you are.
~ because we don't have as much time as we think.
With love, tenderness and gratitude,
Love everything about this. Thank you. 🙏